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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for Squirrel with a Gun


Squirrel with a Gun

Squirrel with a Gun delivers a zAnY, sandboxy experience where you control a gun-toting squirrel causing chaos in a suburban neighbourhood. It’s got some clever platforming and puzzle mechanics, and for a short time is a light-hearted, fun gameplay loop. Its absurd premise is the selling point, and you’ll know if you’ll enjoy it after seeing like 10 seconds of any gameplay.

Daniel DeEntremont
Squirrel with a Gun is a sandbox game that focuses on exploration and shooting combat. Defend yourself from random encounters with Agents using various weapons. Deflect their melee attacks with exceptional timing to disarm them. Climb and jump across platforms with your natural squirrel skill. Use weapon recoil to cross even greater gaps. Explore the neighbourhood from a squirrel's eye view. Talk with residents of the neighbourhood and help them out for goodies. Or mug them for goodies.