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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for UFO 50

UFO 50

UFO 50 is a collection of 50 retro-style games from famed indie devs Mossmouth and friends, crossing a wide variety of genres. While each game is simple in design, they offer surprising depth and at times challenge - but more than anything, demonstrate a wild imagination and passion for game design. The nostalgic visuals, creative concepts, and sheer variety make it a fun, unique and inspiring experience.

UFO 50 is a collection of 50 single and multiplayer games from the creators of Spelunky, Downwell, Time Barons, Skorpulac, and Madhouse. Jump in and explore a variety of genres, from platformers and shoot 'em ups to puzzle games and RPGs. Our goal is to combine a familiar 8-bit aesthetic with new ideas and modern game design sensibilities.