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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for The Sandwicher

The Sandwicher

A very arcadey gamejam entry with waves of enemies and online leaderboards - simple, addictive, fun and clever. Can’t help but like the silly, punny title and theme too.

Antti Haavikko
Antti Haavikko
Breadalt is one of the only remaining Sandwichers who safeguard the world from the yeasty ilk. You need to help him on his duty utilizing his two trusty swords, alhemical healing potions and magical signs to combat the dreadful bread men. The Sandwicher is a very straight forward arcade game where your only goal is to achieve as high a score as possible. You need to balance between going fully aggressive and pacing yourself with healing. This teeter-totting isn't simple though as every second you spend out of combat, the enemy waves get harder. Played with mouse only. How high can you get in the online leaderboards?