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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

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Arctic Eggs

Every now and then a game comes along with a narrow but succinct concept, so confident and well-executed that it immediately, effortlessly captures your attention til the credits roll. Arctic Eggs could have just been a silly little browser game (especially considering it was born of a gamejam), but pairing its singular mechanic with an unbelievably cool art style, interesting world and genuinely hilarious writing was a masterstroke that makes it something else entirely. It feels ridiculous to write so glowingly about a short egg-flipping game, but it’s a testament to how refreshing games with small scopes and a solid vision can be.

The Water Museum
The Water Museum
A Sci-Fi Cooking game where you take up the role of a Poultry Peddler stuck in Antarctica and longing for a way out. Sell your illegal eggs to those who look hungry.