Genre: Simulator
Very cozy yet addictive little tile strategy/puzzle game. Don’t let its simple primary mechanic(s) fool you - there’s quite a bit to explore here. Very pretty and tightly executed.
I am not good at driving games but I was dying to play this. Indeed I was very bad at it, but very much enjoyed the masterfully crafted artstyle and way it lovingly communicates the… art of rally.
I hate this phraseology, but it’s hard to avoid: Papers, Please meets Sim City. A crushing, brutal survival citybuilder which will have you searching your soul and stretching your ethical boundaries.
Buggy & janky, but if anything it only adds to its humour and charm. You drive through eastern Europe with your uncle in an absolute jalopy. Like the car, sometimes this barely works - and it’s great.
Cosy, cute and pleasant. A short game about relaxing with family at grandma’s house on a rainy day. A bit janky in spite of its simplicity, but a warm experience nonetheless.
As per its predecessor, expect crude yet intricate simulations of the inner workings of firearms. Less first person shooter, more first person puzzler, dripping in atmosphere and cool worldbuilding.
Spiritfarer is overwhelmingly beautiful, cathartic and well put together. Manages its fun and relaxation with a genuine emotional depth. Incredibly impressive. Great art, music, writing, characters.
Relies a lot on its IP, and benefits a lot from the inherent fun of VR (if you have it), but didn’t do much for me otherwise. Satisfies childlike dreams of flying an X-Wing, and the story is passable.
A stellar albeit hyper-minimal discovery & adventure game with surprising emotional depth. Beautifully crafted, relaxing and immersive. Fantastic visual design, sound design and music.