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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for Racine



Deckbuilding autobattler roguelite with some realtime combat elements - it’s such a genre-mash that it can be a bit hard to get your head around at first, and ultimately hard to decide if it works. Cool concept, art and atmosphere, but the core combat mechanic won’t be for everyone. The mix of autobattle with realtime interactivity sometimes means you spend more time waiting than calculating your next move. Interesting game though, and decently priced.

Abiding Bridge
Racine is a strategy, card game that will give you dynamic real time combat with increasing intensity. Quickly use your cards to give your character a chance to survive not only the current fight, but also the ones to come. Everything happens in real time so you need to help your avatar by using your cards before he gets crushed by the relentless attacks of the spirit.