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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for Grunn


From Tom van den Boogaart of the Sokpop Collective, masters of short but often dense indie titles, Grunn may look tailor-made for gamedev Twitter gifs, but it’s… actually good! Beneath its quirky, relaxing gardening sim veneer lies a well-designed mystery with multiple paths, secrets, and great vibes.

Sokpop Collective
Sokpop Collective
Adventure, Indie
A gardener gets hired to do some maintenance work over the weekend. The tall grass needs to be cut, the wild hedges trimmed, and the dead flowers could use some water. A simple task, but strangely some tools are missing…The owner of the garden isn't around, and their house is off-limits. Perhaps new tools can be found in the mysterious town, or maybe some of the reserved townsfolk have seen them?