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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

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Buckshot Roulette

Buckshot Roulette is a stark and bite-sized horror-themed game that echos an essence of 2021’s Inscryption: a unique, gritty industrial vibe in an extremely tense, 15-20 minute package. It doesn’t outstay its welcome in exploring the concept, and is a refreshing little experience overall.

Mike Klubnika
Mike Klubnika
BUCKSHOT ROULETTE is a tabletop horror game that attempts to re-design the infamous game of Russian Roulette, replacing the traditional revolver with a proper 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. This extra firepower, and more importantly the different mechanics in handling a shotgun compared to a revolver, offers a fresh take on the classic and deadly game of chance. The game takes place at the top of an underground nightclub, where the metal railings tremble to the pulse of long lost drum machines. A crooked AI dealer is waiting for you. Will you meet them?