Banner image for 420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition

tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for 420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition


420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition

It’s hard to decide if the 2014 post-irony packaging is nostalgic or cringe, but the movement and gunplay genuinely surprised me - fun, smooth, responsive, and far more… legit than I expected. The absurdity is relentless, though whether that’s good or bad depends on your tolerance for (admittedly self-aware) dated memes.

Indie, Shooter
Prepare yourself for the long awaited sequel. You will blaze it. You will no scope. You will see some weird af s*** as you fight and xD in 999fps to destroy the Illuminati and rescue the memes. Are you ready for 420BLAZEIT 2????!!1