tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


Cosy, cute and pleasant. A short game about relaxing with family at grandma’s house on a rainy day. A bit janky in spite of its simplicity, but a warm experience nonetheless.

I really want to like this because of it’s unique artstyle and cool people behind it, but it wasn’t working for me. Likely a me-problem, but controls and movement style felt more broken than fun.

Relies a lot on its IP, and benefits a lot from the inherent fun of VR (if you have it), but didn’t do much for me otherwise. Satisfies childlike dreams of flying an X-Wing, and the story is passable.

You are a frog detective. You make friends and solve a mystery. It’s very cute. (Just wish the transition animations were a bit quicker.)

Full of potential, but I wasn’t feeling it. Great atmosphere and intriguing world, but let down by underwhelming combat and a fair bit of enemy repetition. If you’re desperate for a soulslike, try it.

While not for me, a remarkable technical feat in many ways. Absolutely gorgeous, so expectedly demanding, especially in VR where things can get a bit janky.

An autorunner with a dash & slide attack. Some of the original charm is here, but the (very clever) effort that went into making an autorunner interesting doesn’t quite make up for what’s now missing.

If you can stick around long enough to see through the shameless BOTW clone, Genshin has its own somewhat charming personality, and pretty fun combat. Its F2P gacha model becomes restrictive unless you’re up for an insane grind or… becoming a whale.

It is a Far Cry game. You get what you expect. I’m bored of it and this does nothing to turn that around.

The GTA i played most as a kid. Improves on everything in its predecessor.