tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows)

Beautifully crafted, hugely influential, challenging and fun.

The new benchmark for smooth, responsive controls for skilful platformers. Funny art direction, great music and awesome level design which is super rewarding to overcome. A must-play for the genre.

If you’re an Ed McMillen fan, you gotta pick this up. The games vary a lot and it’s hard to critique what are essentially chapters in an autobiography.

Arguably the grand-daddy of modern rogue-likes. Ed McMillen hones his tradmarked style of absurd, funny darkness in this virtually infinitely replayable & deep, fucked up world. Must play.

Extremely funny and clever - a ‘must play’ that elevated meta content in video games to still unmatched heights.

The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.