tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Nintendo Switch

New DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol has been released, which is a good opportunity to shout out what was one of the best, most slept on releases of 2022. It’s called The Lemurian Vampire and it I can’t wait to get stuck into it. And if you like detective games and haven’t played Golden Idol, what are you waiting for?

At a time, Overwatch was a paradigm-shifting juggernaut: beautiful art, Blizzard-at-its-best character & world design, and satisfying gunplay. More recently, this so-called sequel is a soulless shell and testament to bad management.

Extraordinarily good art, great music and very well put together. Runs are challenging; there’s quite a lot of cognitive load and mistakes are punished hard - but it’s fun as hell.

A simple premise executed virtually to perfection. As its description says, more of a toy than a ‘full game’, but it’s short, relaxing and fun. No unlockables, no story, just ramps.

Lots of fun puzzles to solve in a wholesome little world full of great art and atmosphere. Simple, relaxing and whimsical, it takes me back to games I played as a kid.

It’s a rhythm-based shooter which means you’ll have to be kinda-into the music, and be willing to concentrate that hard. Achieves what it sets out to, and from the trailer you’ll know if it’s for you.

Great art, character design and music. As a game and colouring book, it ranges from OK to kinda-fun. The story is the hero here, with great writing as you’d expect from this team. Cool little game.

Go very fast and jump between trucks. Fun movement and a little bit of ‘easy to pick up, hard to master’. Potentially a bit light on content, but it’s cool for what it is.

Seemingly simple concept, but executed basically to perfection: dodge discs. Gets challenging pretty quickly, and scoreboards push you to do better. Fun game.

Roguelike classic. Awesome styling and tonnes of replayability. Lots of depth, enough RNG to keep you coming back, and cool secrets. Hard at first, but if you like roguelikes, you know the drill.