Platform: Nintendo Switch
Incredible writing, unique approach to RPG elements with hilarious and dank, nihilist atmosphere. Truly an extraordinary game. Absolutely a must play.
I’m almost getting tired of saying “Supergiant does it again” but it’s true. They turn their incredible skill toward roguelikes here, while maintaining all their patented quality, and absolutely nail it.
John Woo/Wick with bananas. Fun and fluid mechanics with an unexpectedly engaging story.
Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.
Pretty innovative FPS roguelite with a cool comicbook artstyle. Not the most difficult or replayable game but interesting.
You play a cat in a robot suit. That should be enough, but the game is actually solid. Simple, funny, full of homages, tight controls and good level design. It’s pretty short, but worth your time.
(Reviewed during alpha.) A modern interpretation of Pokémon as an MMO. Runs extremely well, is pretty adorable and relaxing to play. One to watch as content is added.
Great Instadeath platformer with cool graphics, cool music and a surprisingly addictive story. Does a good job of grounding mechanics in the plot. Can be frustrating at times, but overall pretty good.
Early Access single or multiplayer third-person shooter roguelike. Done extremely well so far, even more fun with friends. Great music. Feel like the maps need to come alive a bit more.
Prone to performance issues and bugs for some but brilliant for me. Wonderfully executed exploration game with gorgeous visuals, inventive UI (or lack thereof). Just wish it had a bit more motivation.