tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 5

As far as Steam releases go, Dead Cells is GOTY 2018. Absolutely the most buttery smooth controls amongst its ilk, amazing music, challenging mechanics and immense innate replayability.

A fitting and challenging musically violent rhythm game with gorgeous visual styling from one half of band Lightning Bolt & friends.

Seemingly, the beginning of the end for the franchise. All but gone are a lot of the brilliant and deep RPG elements that made these games great, in favour of simplification.

I didn’t know what to expect and I suggest you go in blind too. Unique, heartfelt and wildly compelling, this story and the way it is told is nothing short of a masterpiece.

A 3D puzzle platformer that is best, if not exclusively enjoyed with friends. Emergent moments borne of the physics can be rewarding but mainly just hilarious.

On the surface cute and fun, but ultimately a warm, sad story of anxiety and alienation. Slow at times, but witty and great to look at. Wonderful atmosphere, music and writing.

I’d recommend this to anyone who played the original way back in the day. Nowadays this doesn’t stand up too well, but if you’re able to get some nostalgia from it, it does the job.

The amazing devs and team at Digital Extremes have set the bar for online grindy shooters. Warframe is, for a F2P game, amazingly well-crafted and dangerously deep.