tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Linux

Rogue-like with satisfying combat and a cool world. Doesn’t have as much content as the big names in the genre, and may not be as challenging, but still fun.

Celeste is challenging, smart and exceedingly well designed. Its movement is some of the most satisfying ever in a platformer. The great soundtrack supports a surprisingly fresh exploration of mental health, which has traditionally proved difficult in videogames.

Artifact was as rewarding as it was deep. RNG was handled well, and over large sample sizes played little part in outcome. Monetisation was misunderstood IMO, and - very sadly - basically rendered the game dead on arrival.

Classic couch co-op beat-‘em-up in the vein of Castle Crashers, with added RPG elements. Funny, cute and at times quite challenging. Would love if there were more games like Full Metal Furies.

More of the same from the quality reboot trilogy. Unsurprisingly, this one steps up the visuals and adds a couple of mechanics, but is likely the weakest as far as plot goes. Still a good game though.

Almost overwhelmingly opaque and seemingly esoteric, but delivered in an intriguing package that invites more playtime if only to figure out what the hell is going on.

As far as Steam releases go, Dead Cells is GOTY 2018. Absolutely the most buttery smooth controls amongst its ilk, amazing music, challenging mechanics and immense innate replayability.

A fantastic game which I played the hell out of growing up. This PC version is all but completely ruined though, so it’s hard to recommend. Still love that tone though.

An absolute classic and one of the best point-n-click adventure games of all time. A great remaster of Tim Schafer at his peak.