tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Linux

Inspired and innovative little puzzler. Has cool lore/story, as well as interesting puzzles reminiscent of The Witness. Just the right level of challenging and wonderfully polished.

If you like plotless, repetitive grinding with constant progressive rewards, and have an addictive personality - this is the game for you. Very honest and well made, but won’t be for everyone.

FMV investigation game in which one can become completely absorbed. A unique and compelling experience helped along by good writing and acting. Definitely worth a playthrough.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

Remember when Valve teased new Portal content? And it was a bridge constructor? FeelsBadMan. On its merits though, this is a great little puzzle game. Relaxing, challenging, and allows for creativity.

Stunningly authentic tone, visuals, sound and music. If you liked the old Prince of Persia style action/platforming/puzzles, this is almost a must-play. It’s short, but doesn’t outstay its welcome.

A very imperfect and quite buggy, but still worth-playing soulslike. While it lacks polish, it’s very sincere and has some interesting ideas. Bosses are a bit simple/easy. Combat is a bit clunky.

A surreal sojourn through a psychedelic natural museum. Won’t be for everyone, but a fun little experience.

Interesting and fun take on this kind of 2d platformer. Movement and combat are fun and satisfying, and puzzles are pretty clever. Short but definitely worth it.

Really cool game. Interesting roguelike with a great setting, characters and indeed artstyle. Definitely worth playing, just a shame the multiplayer is so… strange and clunky.