Platform: Linux
Extremely funny and clever - a ‘must play’ that elevated meta content in video games to still unmatched heights.
The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.
Proof that graphical fidelity are not required to tell a good story and have engaging characters. Good platforming puzzles too.
Transistor is a bold, beautiful masterpiece. Turn-based strategic combat which is fun and challenging punctuate an absolutely gorgeous, bittersweet story with typically great Supergiant dialog and VA.
If you’re into challenging platformers this is a must buy. At times the difficulty feels artificial, but overall it’s extremely solid. Prepare yourself for frustration if not rage.
While it may be better suited to mobile these days, World of Goo is a great puzzle/bridge-building game with a simple mechanic it explores well.