Genre: Simulator
A fantastic 10-15 minute experience, with impressive art considering its gamejam roots. A typically strange story and game from Mullins, with his classic dark tension and humour.
Perfectly distilled and refined Animal Crossing. Absolutely love the art style, world and music. Loved getting creative, making friends and making the island my own. Could have done with some UX love.
Very clunky UI and a bit slapped together overall, but still very fun, helped hugely by having multiplayer. As you’d expect, takes a bit of getting used to, but worth a go.
Probably one of the most Internet™ things ever. Pretty well made, but expectedly obnoxious and tiresome at times.
It’s tempting to call this Papers, Please for TV broadcasting instead of immigration documents, but it would be unfair. Won’t be for everyone but is executed very well; enthralling, funny and clever.
Super fresh & unique take on the somewhat tired space thriller genre. Quite a compelling story and pretty good voice acting coupled with surprisingly creative mechanics. Very good.
Great co-op game requiring concise communication. Cute aesthetic. Good for couples. Improves on almost everything in its predecessor and now includes online mode.
Great co-op game requiring concise communication. Cute aesthetic. Good for couples.
One of the best adventure games I’ve played. Outer Wilds is a temporal, mysterious and unique exploration game with super charming visuals providing unique emergent experiences for those up for it.
You know what it is: the much memed third-person honk-‘em-up starring a horrible goose. All the press it got was deserved, it’s fun and funny as hell. Also, great to see games from my home town!