Genre: Shooter
Strangely mismarketed as a Destiny competitor, but in reality more of ‘just’ a co-op adventure shooter than ongoing MMO. Some very smart ideas, but doesn’t stick the landing.
Expectedly more of the same, but surprisingly, I actually don’t mind it. Can see why people call it DLC, but the balance it strikes of realistic and stylised environments is nice. Writing is very avg.
An epileptic, sludgey LSD trip packaged into an insanely stylised, hyperactive and frenetic roguelike shooter. Punishing in more ways than one, but intriguing and challenging.
Incredibly tight, fast, minimal and punishing singleplayer shooter - made all the more addictive by friend leaderboards and immediate restarts. Small in scope but huge in delivery and fun.
A whimsical perceptual puzzler full of smart ideas. It’s just long enough, with its brevity perfectly exploring its core concepts and ultimately satisfying greatly. Very impressive.
If you like Katana Zero or Hotline Miami, but wished they were in 3d (and had grapping & wallrunning), you’ll love this. Challenging but not punishing, and very fun. Great to look at too.
A very fun and extremely beautiful metroidvania-like exploration/adventure game which somehow feels a little unrewarding at times. Co-op is a bit of fun but don’t expect it to be an ongoing staple.
As per its predecessor, expect crude yet intricate simulations of the inner workings of firearms. Less first person shooter, more first person puzzler, dripping in atmosphere and cool worldbuilding.
Relies a lot on its IP, and benefits a lot from the inherent fun of VR (if you have it), but didn’t do much for me otherwise. Satisfies childlike dreams of flying an X-Wing, and the story is passable.