Genre: Indie
An intriguing and dynamic game in the vein of X-COM which is worth the price of entry if at times a little frustrating.
Interesting, philosophically centred puzzle game with a relatively unique setting and some beautiful vistas. Puzzles can get very challenging - pleasantly so.
Probably better suited to a mobile game these days, but extremely pleasant and a fun way to work your way through calmness to eventual OCD-like anxiety.
Tactical RPG storyboard with fantastic characters, artstyle and music. Quite challenging at times, which fits with its dramatic, larger than life tone. Doesn’t outstay it’s welcome. Really good.
A twitchy arena shooter that captures the spirit of games like QuakeWorld really well. Reflex is really well done, but I think this genre has sadly had it’s day.
A psychedelic FPS rogue-like which is simple but unique. Short but intense and challenging.
A simple but mostly well executed puzzle game with an interesting story, a good level of variety and great soundtrack.