Genre: Indie
In Egg Squeeze, one embarks on a journey that mirrors the human condition. Balancing fragility and strength, desire and restraint. The egg, a symbol of potential, demands our patience, our steady hand. Yet, in the moment of release, we confront our own mortality. It is not merely a game; it is a dialogue between player and object, an inquiry into control, vulnerability, and the very nature of existence. Each squeeze, an act of trust. Each fracture, a reflection of our inherent limitations. Memento mori. Egg.
I recently revisited N++, and it’s still awesome. Truly an OG, its fast-paced, minimalist platforming with smooth controls and addictive, challenging levels require precision and foster mastery. Its sleek, uncompromising design, tight gameplay and community focus make for an all-time classic.
Squirrel with a Gun delivers a zAnY, sandboxy experience where you control a gun-toting squirrel causing chaos in a suburban neighbourhood. It’s got some clever platforming and puzzle mechanics, and for a short time is a light-hearted, fun gameplay loop. Its absurd premise is the selling point, and you’ll know if you’ll enjoy it after seeing like 10 seconds of any gameplay.
Caravan SandWitch is a relaxing, narrative-driven exploration game set in a post-apocalyptic world. You drive a van through vibrant, cel-shaded landscapes, helping communities and uncovering mysteries. While charming and hopeful, it can feel repetitive with its simple tasks and minimal environmental storytelling. The music and overall atmosphere are highlights though.
Tiny Glade is a charming, stress-free diorama builder where creativity is not constrained by resources, farming, or survival. Its beautiful visuals and tactile building mechanics are impressively executed, making it feel cosy and satisfying. A great option for a relaxing Sunday.
KILL KNIGHT is a fast-paced, demanding, isometric shooter blending the brutality of DOOM with Crimsonland-like mechanics. Set in an eldritch hellscape dripping with vibes, its tight combat systems, rewarding progression, and striking visuals make it engaging, addictive and ultra cool.
UFO 50 is a collection of 50 retro-style games from famed indie devs Mossmouth and friends, crossing a wide variety of genres. While each game is simple in design, they offer surprising depth and at times challenge - but more than anything, demonstrate a wild imagination and passion for game design. The nostalgic visuals, creative concepts, and sheer variety make it a fun, unique and inspiring experience.
Arco blends tactical RPG gameplay with a striking, South American-inspired art style. Its narrative is moody and compelling. Combat is unique, strategic and engaging. Lots of secrets and meaningful choices. Really, really cool game.
Frostpunk 2 expands on the original’s brutal city-building survival beyond it’s citybuilding roots into grander strategy. The increased scale and deeper political mechanics make it more complex but just as engrossing. For me, a little overwhelming, and you definitely have to be in the mood, but it’s undeniably cool. Loooove the music, sound design, art, visual and UI design.
Satisfactory is now at version 1.0, leaving early access after five years. The major update includes new endgame content, achievements, a story (!), player customisation options, and a million other things. Coffee Stain Studios also confirmed a console version is in development, but no release date for that yet. Check out the 1.0 launch trailer.