tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Indie

If you like plotless, repetitive grinding with constant progressive rewards, and have an addictive personality - this is the game for you. Very honest and well made, but won’t be for everyone.

FMV investigation game in which one can become completely absorbed. A unique and compelling experience helped along by good writing and acting. Definitely worth a playthrough.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

A really great concept inside a a simple and elegantly delivered mood piece. Won’t be for everyone, but deserves appreciation for achieving its emotional and experiential goals.

Charming little PI/detective noir visual novel point-n-click with a well executed, minimal aesthetic. Stellar soundtrack. Ultimately pretty straight forward, but not necessarily a bad thing.

A short little linear exploration game which is as beautiful as it is relaxing. Fantastic attention to detail and a carefully crafted atmosphere. Hard to not say “Journey but it’s underwater”.

Slow yet short, mostly-linear space “walking simulator”. Great to look at with elements of intrigue, but ultimately feels a bit like a tech demo. Very buggy at times. Much more compelling in VR.

Interesting but understandably polarising little papercraft Diablo-esque…roguelike… looter? Tonnes of ideas on display here and worth checking out. It’s fine. Fine…

Interesting, short little mood piece. Sadly feels a little transparent or pretentious at times, but worth a look if you’re into these kinds of games.

Refreshingly honest and polished little narrative physics game reminiscent of Katamari Damacy. Adorable visuals, music, characters and writing.