Genre: Arcade
A simple but mostly well executed puzzle game with an interesting story, a good level of variety and great soundtrack.
Retro inspired rhythm game with lots of cute homages to other indies, challenging levels and a commitment to simplicity that today highlights what went wrong with the sequels.
I’d recommend this to anyone who played the original way back in the day. Nowadays this doesn’t stand up too well, but if you’re able to get some nostalgia from it, it does the job.
Simple and hilarious for a short period of time. Fun on the couch with friends.
If you’re into challenging platformers this is a must buy. At times the difficulty feels artificial, but overall it’s extremely solid. Prepare yourself for frustration if not rage.
A fresh, visceral and addictive hyperactive trip of ultraviolence, strategy and style. Finds its rhythm immediately and sticks the landing. Hell of a soundtrack too.