tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Arcade

Roguelike classic. Awesome styling and tonnes of replayability. Lots of depth, enough RNG to keep you coming back, and cool secrets. Hard at first, but if you like roguelikes, you know the drill.

Another Minecraft spin-off with, sadly for me, barely any emphasis on creativity. Clearly targeted at children, so it’s hard to come down hard on, but I found it repetitive and unrewarding.

Absolutely love the artstyle and palette of this little Bomberman-like. It adds its own mechanics & flavour, and at times is fun, but generally the story is pretty redundant and overall not amazing.

It’s that game you wheel out (after Beat Saber) when you’re demoing VR for someone who’s never tried it. Does what it needs to do.

Loses some of the fat of its predecessor, and takes a bunch from DOOM (2016). Undoubtedly fun, but cringey dialogue and characters can sometimes make it a bit hard.

A very arcadey gamejam entry with waves of enemies and online leaderboards - simple, addictive, fun and clever. Can’t help but like the silly, punny title and theme too.

Clever, unique game with lots to like. Core gameplay loop is solid & the unlocks are meaningful. Art, sound and especially music are all fantastic. All quality, but quantity may leave some wanting.

Vampire Survivors but enemies have significantly varied attacks & the engine is 3D. It’s definitely fun (and addictive), but can be a bit hard to read with hectic FX covering incoming AOE indicators.

Vampire Survivors + SNKRX. Really clever, solving some problems other games in neighbouring genres suffer from. Not a huge fan of the art and stuff, but it doesn’t really matter.

After being ready to dismiss this as a cash-in on Vampire Survivor’s success, I’ve been proven mostly wrong and pleasantly surprised. Reminiscent of Crimsonland, this takes the more active angle.