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tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Cover image for Moida Mansion

Moida Mansion

Lucas Pope’s Moida Mansion is a retro-inspired, hyper-stylistic, first-person adventure that’s free to play in your browser. Set in a spooky mansion, you must rescue friends while dodging a lurking “monsta.” It’s a massive throwback to my time growing up with LCD handheld games - that boot screen really took me back! It’s short but satisfyingly tense, offering a fresh spin on Pope’s knack for puzzle design - perfect for a quick escape around Halloween - even if it doesn’t reach the depth of his more substantial work.

Web browser
Lucas Pope
Lucas Pope
YOUR FRIENDS NEED HELP! Oh no! The Adventure Club's official mascot turtle has carelessly wandered into Moida Mansion. Your friends went after her and got trapped! They broke the golden rule: "Stay out of Moida Mansion". Now it's up to you. Sneak in and rescue them before it's too late!