tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Raw Fury

Clever, unique game with lots to like. Core gameplay loop is solid & the unlocks are meaningful. Art, sound and especially music are all fantastic. All quality, but quantity may leave some wanting.

Interesting roguelike farming sim accurately described as Fallout Stardew Gungeon. Charming art, and overall a cool idea. Starts out pretty relaxing but ramps up steadily. Probably better on Switch.

Stylised, super cool aesthetic and a cool setting/story. Movement feels (probably deliberately) a bit clunky to me, Suffers from the variation a roguelike desperately needs, and camera is a struggle.

Procedurally generated rouge-lite with a unique and brilliant art style. A little cryptic to start with but eventually addictive gameplay, if a little simplistic/shallow.

Slow and relaxing with great art and music. Spikes in difficulty felt a little artificial at times. Probably worth a play, but you certainly need to be in the mood.