tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


Your IRL blinking is a core mechanic of this game - very cool concept. That aside, this game is a cathartic and artistic journey and as often as it’s on sale, a real steal.

An iOS classic - I spent hours on this back in the day. It’s simple but addictive. You likely have this to thank/blame for infinite runner games.

Great art, character design and music. As a game and colouring book, it ranges from OK to kinda-fun. The story is the hero here, with great writing as you’d expect from this team. Cool little game.

I grew up on Commander Keen games and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Seemingly simple concept, but executed basically to perfection: dodge discs. Gets challenging pretty quickly, and scoreboards push you to do better. Fun game.

It’s hard to not say “more of the same but a little less compelling”. Awesome art, music, VA and world design. A little let down by its story, at least compared to its predecessor, but still good.

A new vision for the franchise, retaining all the self-aware clichés and insufferable characterisation. Gameplay wise, silly & super fun. Bonkers atmosphere and world. Bosses are sometimes a letdown.

It’s hard to overstate DOOM’s significance and influence. Revolutionary.

Roguelike classic. Awesome styling and tonnes of replayability. Lots of depth, enough RNG to keep you coming back, and cool secrets. Hard at first, but if you like roguelikes, you know the drill.

Arguably the godfather of the factory game. Why do something in five minutes if you can spend five hours automating it? THE FACTORY MUST GROW.