tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


If you’re an Ed McMillen fan, you gotta pick this up. The games vary a lot and it’s hard to critique what are essentially chapters in an autobiography.

Arguably the grand-daddy of modern rogue-likes. Ed McMillen hones his tradmarked style of absurd, funny darkness in this virtually infinitely replayable & deep, fucked up world. Must play.

Extremely funny and clever - a ‘must play’ that elevated meta content in video games to still unmatched heights.

The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.

The Wolf Among Us is the best of midterm Telltale. Dark, funny and at times very clever - it’s sad we’ll never see more of it.

The seventh entry in the ‘Citizen Abel’ series of games, and probably my favourite. It’s very short (10-15 minutes) but absolutely worth it. I wish there were more games like Thirty Flights.

Proof that graphical fidelity are not required to tell a good story and have engaging characters. Good platforming puzzles too.