tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


FMV investigation game in which one can become completely absorbed. A unique and compelling experience helped along by good writing and acting. Definitely worth a playthrough.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

A short little linear exploration game which is as beautiful as it is relaxing. Fantastic attention to detail and a carefully crafted atmosphere. Hard to not say “Journey but it’s underwater”.

Improves upon almost everything of its predecessor. All the tropes are here, but they still feel interesting at this point. Bursting with ambition and mostly delivers.

Fun game. Gorgeous setting and a pretty good story. Has some pacing issues, but one of if not the best AC games. Just wish it was a little harder.

At the time, a very exciting game. Lots of fun, if a little padded out by repetition and trailing sequences. An interesting story, decent (albeit repetitive) combat, decent movement. Great soundtrack.

Remember when Valve teased new Portal content? And it was a bridge constructor? FeelsBadMan. On its merits though, this is a great little puzzle game. Relaxing, challenging, and allows for creativity.

Refreshingly honest and polished little narrative physics game reminiscent of Katamari Damacy. Adorable visuals, music, characters and writing.

Stress Level Zero’s opening act before they got stuck into Boneworks. Addictive gameplay loop and cool setting - definitely worth testing a new VR setup on.

Fascinating and complex systemic game design, executed extremely well. The systems allow for virtually endless emergent scenarios amongst the rewarding exploration and fun, chaotic combat