tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


Has aged relatively well, but is obviously far simpler and indeed… quite easy. Humble beginnings for what grew into a lumbering titan of the industry.

A really great concept inside a a simple and elegantly delivered mood piece. Won’t be for everyone, but deserves appreciation for achieving its emotional and experiential goals.

Charming little PI/detective noir visual novel point-n-click with a well executed, minimal aesthetic. Stellar soundtrack. Ultimately pretty straight forward, but not necessarily a bad thing.

This feels like eating McDonalds. It’s tasty and fills you up in the moment, but you hate yourself and are left unsatisfied thereafter. Has some interesting new ideas, but mostly the same old stuff.

A welcome change of design direction for the franchise! Less about assassination & stealth, more about RPG-stuff. That said, it’s still full of bugs, clunky writing/VA and atrocious optimisation.

Revelations is a beautiful game from which you know entirely what to expect. For me; fun but entirely unsatisfying.

Great setting & at times fun gameplay, as well as of course… more of the same. Some promising characters, but they prove hard to get attached to. Lots of ideas in here, but none fully committed to.

Interesting but understandably polarising little papercraft Diablo-esque…roguelike… looter? Tonnes of ideas on display here and worth checking out. It’s fine. Fine…

If you like this franchise, you’ll almost certainly love this. The usual mindless fun in spades. UI and some mechanics are often overwhelming in volume, and combat is typically spammy and forgiving.

Interesting, short little mood piece. Sadly feels a little transparent or pretentious at times, but worth a look if you’re into these kinds of games.