tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


The actual gameplay is amazing; clever, frantic, elegant, demanding & creative. Unfortunately for me it was punctuated by insufferable characters and dialog (which is thankfully now skippable). Cool, but didn’t get the hype.

Distills the tenets of the franchise and starts fresh with the foundations of terror in a captivating setting. Now in first-person, the atmosphere is even scarier. A classic for fans of the genre.

The classic familiar-but-new the franchise is now known for, and potentially the spookiest it’s been. Not really for me, but if you’re into horror, it’s an instant classic.

Really well put together Twitchbait rhythm game which is challenging and super fun for a short period, but gets old pretty quickly. Would benefit a lot from custom tracks.

Seemingly made from the (open) source of the sadly abandoned SNKRX. For the most part I had virtually no idea what I was doing, but it was oddly enjoyable and intriguing enough to warrant another run.

A surprisingly compelling soulslike despite quite a bit of jank. World is cool & very pretty. Combat is easy but enjoyable. Disappointing amount of invisible walls, and overall a bit clunky, but fun.

Can’t blame them, but someone clearly loves Bloodborne. Thymesia is cool and like a lot of new soulslikes, has a bunch of neat ideas, but somehow feels like less than the sum of its parts. Decent.

Everything about this seems like it should be amazing, but for me it somehow falls short and is less than the sum of its parts. Movement less slippery and combat more engaging would go a long way.

2.5D sidescrolling Kurosawa-inspired combat, which at times is challenging and rewarding but can also feel imprecise and frustrating. Excellent visuals and clever composition. Definitely worth a look.

Sadly not able to play this on the Steamdeck it was designed for, but can imagine it’d be a fun little demo. Its nice seeing Valve having fun with their franchises & actually making stuff. Worth a go.