tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


When I was young and my parents were out, I’d take my dad’s work laptop, hook up the phone cord, and using MSN dial-up, download custom units and maps for Total Annihilation. Fantastic game.

A relatively chill and refreshing take on the factory game. Understandably doesn’t have the depth of some of its larger-team contemporaries. Short and a little buggy, but it’s good for what it is.

It’s a rhythm-based shooter which means you’ll have to be kinda-into the music, and be willing to concentrate that hard. Achieves what it sets out to, and from the trailer you’ll know if it’s for you.

Simple and very cutely themed puzzle game with lots of levels which venture into challenging without stepping over into frustrating. Basically ‘tile puzzles, but cats’. Cute.

The hint’s in the title: it’s a clawfishing game. Relaxing, short and chill - it’ll likely make you feeling a little nostalgic about nothing in particular.

Go very fast and jump between trucks. Fun movement and a little bit of ‘easy to pick up, hard to master’. Potentially a bit light on content, but it’s cool for what it is.

Decent gunplay, great motorbike controls and good art are often overshadowed by the mundane, formulaic open-world fare and an underwhelming story. Bit of a shame because you can feel the passion here.

Cool metroidvania with slick movement and a mildly puzzling world. Oftentimes feels a bit samey and a forgettable story drags it down a bit but there’s enough here to pick it up on sale.

Really well stylised extraction shooter dripping with atmosphere. Has a bit of a cheaters problem, but nothing close to unplayable. If you’re into the genre, it’s absolutely worth a look.

If you love FMVs or even just film, it’s cool. Extremely strange at first, but if you can stick with it, and it clicks with you, it’s pretty cool. Definitely not for everyone.