tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


Intriguing episodic narrative adventure. The setting, characters, writing and RPG elements are all quite strong - but they’re often offset by clunky controls and hollow decisions/outcomes.

A very imperfect and quite buggy, but still worth-playing soulslike. While it lacks polish, it’s very sincere and has some interesting ideas. Bosses are a bit simple/easy. Combat is a bit clunky.

Extremely promising during beta, and remains modest (but never dull) at release. A good example of how to take on soulslikes, with great atmosphere & fresh ideas, but often clunky and repetitive.

Devolver are crazy, man. Love ‘em.

Was super excited to jump into this intriguing and excellently crafted Bladerunner-esque world, but soon felt a bit underwhelmed by the gameplay loop. Still a fun (and huge) world to explore.

Probably one of the most Internet™ things ever. Pretty well made, but expectedly obnoxious and tiresome at times.

Well, someone sure liked Bioshock! Personally I found this ultimately a little too long, frustrating and disappointing - but overall still very engaging. The visuals and VA are certainly remarkable.

Twitch-bait masochism simulator in the vein of Getting Over It. The simplicity is attractive, but unless you’re into those kind of intentionally frustrating, annoying and difficult games - stay away.

Decent little platformer with some promising concepts, but I wish it took them a bit further. Also wish you could skip dialog.

Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.