tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


I’m not entirely sure why this exists. Seemed kind of intriguing at first, but became painfully laborious almost immediately. Worth a play if you’re obsessed with the franchise, but not otherwise.

Undoubtedly gorgeous and definitely an… OK game, but very simplistic and predictable. Would have preferred more subversion of a story I feel like I’ve heard before.

Full of confidence and style, this game knows what it wants to do, and for most, probably achieves it gloriously. Personally, while it had its moments, unless you’re partial to the anime tropes, pretty painful. I’ll likely try again at some point.

A sad remnant of a promising game which languished in development hell resulting in an eventual complete redesign for the worse. I had a great time in its alpha, but this is no longer that game.

Ranges from OK to Pretty Bad. Movement is slippery, combat is floaty & clunky, lacking in impact. Boss design suffers from poor telegraphs and artificial difficulty. I couldn’t get into the art style.

Good looking & kinda fun, but not enough to do considering the size of the world. Most of your time will be spent commuting between repetitive and mostly unrewarding quests.

I wanted to like this after not being a fan of the previous ones but hearing that this one is more souls-like. It’s not. It’s not bad, but between the cringey story/VA and clunky combat, I’m not keen.

Peter Molyneux’ god complex materialises into a disappointment and eventual abandonware. Had promise, but sadly not much delivery.

I had to install this and try to like it five times. I’m sure theres a good game somewhere among the dotted line GPS, braindead quests and interruptions at every turn, but I kinda can’t be bothered finding it.

A respectable idea (‘shooter souls’), but ultimately falls very short, feeling very derivative, clunky, repetitive and… just not very fun.