tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


The world and indeed all visuals are stunning, but at the end of the day the entire experience is hampered by its pedestrian and tired commitment to the conventional openworld formula. Love the production, don’t love the game.

Looks great and has cool ideas, but overall its lack of depth and challenge left me pretty unengaged. Combat is kinda fun but somehow not particularly satisfying. Fans of the franchise will enjoy it.

Great art and a promising (albeit tired) concept: card-based dungeon crawling. Unfortunately though, it falls a bit flat; being pretty shallow and realistically feeling more like a mobile title.

A really solid, fun foundation, but clearly a year or two away from completion. Core systems are either underutilised or entirely absent. Undeniably gorgeous if you can run it.

If you thought this IP was a strange fit for a Destiny-like, you’d be right. It’s OK when it works, but is mostly clumsy, confused, forced and buggy. Combat is OK, movement is clunky. Should be f2p.

Interesting concept which at first sounds great, but quickly becomes almost as repetitive and uninteresting as its soundtrack. Map design and combat are actually quite good, but the rest, not so much.

Slow yet short, mostly-linear space “walking simulator”. Great to look at with elements of intrigue, but ultimately feels a bit like a tech demo. Very buggy at times. Much more compelling in VR.

The generic, yearly AC reskin cashcow cycle begins. Entirely underwhelming.

Feels like it could probably have been DLC. Has all the Ubisoft tropes and the typical mix of dopamine and tedium.

Probably my least enjoyed of the franchise. Great visuals and world, but overall is strangely paced and often clunky if not completely broken. Sadly full of potential, but typically underwhelming.