tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


John Woo/Wick with bananas. Fun and fluid mechanics with an unexpectedly engaging story.

Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.

Obviously gorgeous, and voice acting and music also great. World is large without being empty. Story is solid, if a little repetitive and drawn-out at times. So, so much to do. Remarkably polished.

EA published a good game! This clearly takes some inspiration from soulslikes - and some of that is present - I would draw more comparisons to Tomb Raider, God of War and Unchartered. Very fun.

Pretty innovative FPS roguelite with a cool comicbook artstyle. Not the most difficult or replayable game but interesting.

Ranges from OK to Pretty Bad. Movement is slippery, combat is floaty & clunky, lacking in impact. Boss design suffers from poor telegraphs and artificial difficulty. I couldn’t get into the art style.

Addresses some of the flaws in the original (map design, enemy variation), but still feels underwhelming and repetitive. If you have soulslike withdrawals it’s worth a shot because it has fun moments.

You play a cat in a robot suit. That should be enough, but the game is actually solid. Simple, funny, full of homages, tight controls and good level design. It’s pretty short, but worth your time.

Some of the most fun platforming around at the time. Loved the art, characters, level design and perhaps more than anything - the music. My cousin deleted my savefile and I haven’t forgiven him decades later.

Currently the most polished and considered autobattler. Super addictive. Depends if it keeps getting updates, which depends if people keep playing it.