tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia


Absolute gem and insane value. Despite its mechanical simplicity, Vampire Survivors allows for tonnes of variety and replayability. Fun, satisfying and addictive - stop reading and play it.

Basically a serotonin dispenser - super fun. Pachinko dungeon crawling roguelike. Will rely on enough content being added to enable huge build diversity. Crazy, almost stupid idea, but it works.

After bouncing off Fortnite the week it launched, I wrote it off for years. It was polished and fun, but I was frustratingly bad. Once they introduced Zero Build I tried again, and it’s fun as hell.

Sadly not able to play this on the Steamdeck it was designed for, but can imagine it’d be a fun little demo. Its nice seeing Valve having fun with their franchises & actually making stuff. Worth a go.

So masterfully crafted, creative, confident and bold that it immediately makes the rest of the openworld genre feel dated and uninspired. A landmark achievement and a very special game. Masterpiece.

The world and indeed all visuals are stunning, but at the end of the day the entire experience is hampered by its pedestrian and tired commitment to the conventional openworld formula. Love the production, don’t love the game.

Feels like a roguelite Borderlands. Starts slow but ramps up in difficulty nicely. Way more fun with friends. I wish combat had a bit more depths and more detailed stats, but it’s a nice little game.

Heaps of depth, lots of build variety. Graphics are good. Fans of the genre will like it. Debates about P2W are mostly definitional misunderstandings - it’s not really an issue. Really fun.

Looks great and has cool ideas, but overall its lack of depth and challenge left me pretty unengaged. Combat is kinda fun but somehow not particularly satisfying. Fans of the franchise will enjoy it.

Well put-together and crazy addictive autobattler slot machine. Obviously hugely RNG dependent, but fun enough to keep coming back.