tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox One

After bouncing off Fortnite the week it launched, I wrote it off for years. It was polished and fun, but I was frustratingly bad. Once they introduced Zero Build I tried again, and it’s fun as hell.

So masterfully crafted, creative, confident and bold that it immediately makes the rest of the openworld genre feel dated and uninspired. A landmark achievement and a very special game. Masterpiece.

Feels like a roguelite Borderlands. Starts slow but ramps up in difficulty nicely. Way more fun with friends. I wish combat had a bit more depths and more detailed stats, but it’s a nice little game.

Looks great and has cool ideas, but overall its lack of depth and challenge left me pretty unengaged. Combat is kinda fun but somehow not particularly satisfying. Fans of the franchise will enjoy it.

Deckbuilding roguelite escape room ARG. An inspiring masterpiece & wonderfully executed ode to card/videogames. If you’re into that kind of thing, it’s a must play. So, so impressive. Mullins is nuts.

Could probably afford to be a little shorter: not as many options as I would’ve liked, yet it takes a while to get through. Great VO and cool story - not exactly the game I expected, but still good.

Death’s Door is a triumph: combat & movement are tight and dynamic, the level design is great, the art and music are fantastic, enemies and bosses are interesting. Really well-rounded and executed.

Incredibly pretty little isometric puzzler. Never becomes particularly challenging, but the latter sections are a tad tedious. Didn’t expect the heartfelt story. Genuinely hope they make more!

Underrated. Brimming with ambition & scope, while it doesn’t hit the mark all the time, it’s still a blast. Had some balance and pacing issues at launch which have since been fixed. Gorgeous and fun.

At the micro, QOL level: more of the same but better. At the macro: a bit strangely paced and lacks some of the motivational drive. Absolutely worth a play, but I was just a little disappointed.