tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox One

Brimming with the passion of people who clearly love this genre, and made for the people who are underwhelmed by lack of depth in its contemporaries. A bit too intimidating for me, but I respect it.

Absolutely love the artstyle and palette of this little Bomberman-like. It adds its own mechanics & flavour, and at times is fun, but generally the story is pretty redundant and overall not amazing.

An often misunderstood game and a remarkable achievement from a tiny team led by someone with an uncompromising vision. The world does not care about you and you are not special. Sublime.

Decent follow-up to Her Story. Great production, but some of the magic is gone: it’s not as immersive and some of the writing is a struggle. That said, definitely play if you love FMV games.

It’s Skyrim. For its time, raised the bar for the genre. I have many, many fond memories of the hundreds of hours lost to this game. Hugely influential for better or worse.

A lot of the magic of the first one is gone and unfortunately it’s just kind of… uninspiring. For everything it does well, there are two things it doesn’t. Worth a look on sale.

A beautiful love letter to oldschool Zelda et al. Starts off slowish and somewhat opaque (by design), but if you stick with it, the pay-off is pretty good. A wonderful little puzzlebox of a game.

Tone, visuals, atmosphere and music are back to Diablo’s dark roots. Unfortunately the pacing, activities and uneven design quality (not to mention monetisation) become old pretty quickly. Feels more like a checklist than an epic journey, but it’ll probably be a good game in a year or two.

Impossibly good looking, creative worldbuilding & visual design, considering its a studio debut. Combat is cool, exploration is OK, puzzles are varied and good. English VA is intolerable. Pretty cool.

I’m very bad at & never really liked driving games, but this is fun. Arcadey, but lots of depth and customisation for those interested. The open world approach is super cool, and there’s lots to do.