Platform: Xbox One
Genuinely beautiful visuals and music and an engaging enough story to distract from otherwise pretty standard turnbased RPG gameplay.
I’d recommend this to anyone who played the original way back in the day. Nowadays this doesn’t stand up too well, but if you’re able to get some nostalgia from it, it does the job.
Don’t Starve is exceedingly well designed, from its core gameplay to the aesthetics, music and sound. It’s very challenging, but absolutely full to the brim with content from a great team. Must play.
Short, slow and memorable; Gone Home is somewhat overhyped, but important and well designed regardless. Best to go in absolutely blind.
A tense 2D puzzle platformer with a gorgeous art style. LIMBO was one of the more inspirational indie games that changed the game at the time, and deserves a playthrough.
The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.