tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox One

Spiritfarer is overwhelmingly beautiful, cathartic and well put together. Manages its fun and relaxation with a genuine emotional depth. Incredibly impressive. Great art, music, writing, characters.

Relies a lot on its IP, and benefits a lot from the inherent fun of VR (if you have it), but didn’t do much for me otherwise. Satisfies childlike dreams of flying an X-Wing, and the story is passable.

Full of potential, but I wasn’t feeling it. Great atmosphere and intriguing world, but let down by underwhelming combat and a fair bit of enemy repetition. If you’re desperate for a soulslike, try it.

A whimsical and charming puzzle/exploration which feels like a gamejam concept dialled and polished up to 11. Has a fantastic and unique core mechanic which is used to great extent. Cute, fun & smart.

As heartfelt and charming to play as it is to look at. Warm, cosy and quintessentially British, I Am Dead is a exploration/puzzle game with a unique mechanic and ruminations on community.

Significantly more polished and refined than its predecessor, but no less charming and creepy. Has frustrating moments, but overall a fantastic, memorable experience. Play the original first.

While not for me, a remarkable technical feat in many ways. Absolutely gorgeous, so expectedly demanding, especially in VR where things can get a bit janky.

Really cute & wholesome little adventure game. Artstyle is great, writing is solid, gameplay loop is addictive and fun. Alba is a really great, relaxing excursion which can be finished in one sitting.

Pretty fun turnbased roguelike which starts really strong & has some promising ideas. Mechanics which could potentially have lots of depth sometimes fall a bit flat ultimately, but worth checking out.

A really solid, fun foundation, but clearly a year or two away from completion. Core systems are either underutilised or entirely absent. Undeniably gorgeous if you can run it.