tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox 360

A short, tragic, passionate and engaging masterpiece. The wartime stories are told eloquently and respectfully. Don’t be surprised if it hits you in hard in the feels.

Open world adventure game with loads of hype prerelease. Ultimately it has a decently engaging story, fun world to explore and… pipe puzzles and ‘hacking’ simulators. Worth a buy if on sale.

A project handed to a junior employee, who then crafted it into an uncompromising lesson in perseverance that rewards exploration and subverts expectations. Bleak, brutal and beautiful. Pretty much perfect - Dark Souls legacy & impact cannot be overstated.

Hate some of the story choices, not keen on the saturated styling & VFX, but undeniably fun and addictive. I spent hundreds of hours just looking for Cosmic Wings and never got them… and I’d do it again.