tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox 360

It’s really stupid… and really fun.

The historic grandfather of 3D shooters, paving the way for a genre that would come to dominate the industry. I remember playing this with my brother, and he’d always make it harder by refusing to shoot the dogs.

I dunno, feels pretty forced to me. Its seemingly based around a big joke, but I just don’t find it very funny.

Furry hack-and-slash Metroidvania with some RPG elements. But the real story here is that aside from VA, soundtrack, and parts of the story, Dust was designed and programmed entirely by one person.

Fun co-op beat-em-up in the vein of Castle Crashers complete with great presentation and an interesting concept setting. Not very long and sadly shallow, but still fun for a while.

An enormous world, wonderfully fleshed out with great writing, characters and tonnes to do. Incredible production, varied gameplay and fun as hell. Manages to explore the setting and tropes without being tacky.