tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Google Stadia

Early Access single or multiplayer third-person shooter roguelike. Done extremely well so far, even more fun with friends. Great music. Feel like the maps need to come alive a bit more.

Super smooth and adorable art and animation belies the potential difficulty of this dungeon crawler / retail simulator. Can get very grindy, but worth checking out.

Confusing at first & I think that’s a good thing, so go in blind. The controls are a bit slippery at first but they get better. This has tonnes of depth and the combat is rewarding if a little spammy.

I wanted to like this after not being a fan of the previous ones but hearing that this one is more souls-like. It’s not. It’s not bad, but between the cringey story/VA and clunky combat, I’m not keen.

Creepy 3D puzzle platformer with stellar art direction & eery atmosphere. Great environmental storytelling throughout the 5-8hrs playtime. Puzzles range from creative and rewarding to frustrating.

Fun for a while but generally more of the same. Repetitive combat has improved but is still reliant on counterplay of incredibly obvious telegraphs. Overworld plot is so arbitrary IDK why they bother.

Celeste is challenging, smart and exceedingly well designed. Its movement is some of the most satisfying ever in a platformer. The great soundtrack supports a surprisingly fresh exploration of mental health, which has traditionally proved difficult in videogames.

More of the same from the quality reboot trilogy. Unsurprisingly, this one steps up the visuals and adds a couple of mechanics, but is likely the weakest as far as plot goes. Still a good game though.

A fitting and challenging musically violent rhythm game with gorgeous visual styling from one half of band Lightning Bolt & friends.

I dunno, feels pretty forced to me. Its seemingly based around a big joke, but I just don’t find it very funny.