tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Google Stadia

Spiritfarer is overwhelmingly beautiful, cathartic and well put together. Manages its fun and relaxation with a genuine emotional depth. Incredibly impressive. Great art, music, writing, characters.

Significantly more polished and refined than its predecessor, but no less charming and creepy. Has frustrating moments, but overall a fantastic, memorable experience. Play the original first.

A really solid, fun foundation, but clearly a year or two away from completion. Core systems are either underutilised or entirely absent. Undeniably gorgeous if you can run it.

If you thought this IP was a strange fit for a Destiny-like, you’d be right. It’s OK when it works, but is mostly clumsy, confused, forced and buggy. Combat is OK, movement is clunky. Should be f2p.

It’s wickedly fun, no doubt about it. Frenetic, insane combat like the one that came before it. But I can’t help but feel it’s a little too self-aware now, and may have edged into genuine cheese.

It is a Far Cry game. You get what you expect. I’m bored of it and this does nothing to turn that around.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

The generic, yearly AC reskin cashcow cycle begins. Entirely underwhelming.

This feels like eating McDonalds. It’s tasty and fills you up in the moment, but you hate yourself and are left unsatisfied thereafter. Has some interesting new ideas, but mostly the same old stuff.

A welcome change of design direction for the franchise! Less about assassination & stealth, more about RPG-stuff. That said, it’s still full of bugs, clunky writing/VA and atrocious optimisation.