tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Xbox Series X|S

If you thought this IP was a strange fit for a Destiny-like, you’d be right. It’s OK when it works, but is mostly clumsy, confused, forced and buggy. Combat is OK, movement is clunky. Should be f2p.

Do you like organising and sorting things? Do you like cute art and low-pressure, low-stakes gameplay? If so, you’ll like this game. It’s simple but cheerful and charming. The co-op is great too.

It’s wickedly fun, no doubt about it. Frenetic, insane combat like the one that came before it. But I can’t help but feel it’s a little too self-aware now, and may have edged into genuine cheese.

A very imperfect and quite buggy, but still worth-playing soulslike. While it lacks polish, it’s very sincere and has some interesting ideas. Bosses are a bit simple/easy. Combat is a bit clunky.

Extremely promising during beta, and remains modest (but never dull) at release. A good example of how to take on soulslikes, with great atmosphere & fresh ideas, but often clunky and repetitive.

Gorgeous and lovingly crafted. Some of the best-in-class gunplay. Tonnes of content now, even a little overwhelming. Needs work on the new/returning player experience, but fun if you can push through.

Overwhelmingly adorable. Farming and dance-battling RPG where everything is cute and nobody gets hurt. Really great artstyle & design. An achievement worth celebrating given the small team.

[100+ hours pre-Steam] Fun with friends… for a time. Really great artstyle. Does what it says on the tin. Almost better as just background while hanging/chatting.

Full of confidence and style, this game knows what it wants to do, and for most, probably achieves it gloriously. Personally, while it had its moments, unless you’re partial to the anime tropes, pretty painful. I’ll likely try again at some point.

Stylish, frenetic, satisfying and addictive. Combat is like a puzzle; often requiring multiple runs through a room to find routes that enable effective & efficient rotation through pickups. Very fun.