tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 4

An interesting & dynamic adventure. Short and cryptic, it leans more into interactive horror storytelling than depth of gameplay; it’s an interesting premise, but a bit anticlimactic and forgettable.

Potentially one of the most bizarre and funny games you will ever play. I wish there were more short, surreal braindump games like this.

A tense 2D puzzle platformer with a gorgeous art style. LIMBO was one of the more inspirational indie games that changed the game at the time, and deserves a playthrough.

Simple and hilarious for a short period of time. Fun on the couch with friends.

Beautifully crafted, hugely influential, challenging and fun.

The new benchmark for smooth, responsive controls for skilful platformers. Funny art direction, great music and awesome level design which is super rewarding to overcome. A must-play for the genre.

The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.

The Wolf Among Us is the best of midterm Telltale. Dark, funny and at times very clever - it’s sad we’ll never see more of it.