tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 4

One of the best adventure games I’ve played. Outer Wilds is a temporal, mysterious and unique exploration game with super charming visuals providing unique emergent experiences for those up for it.

If you liked old, good Fallouts, you’ll likely enjoy this. Quite a bit of interesting RPG depth including the classic conversational options. An instant classic of the genre if a little safe at times.

You know what it is: the much memed third-person honk-‘em-up starring a horrible goose. All the press it got was deserved, it’s fun and funny as hell. Also, great to see games from my home town!

An often woefully misunderstood game by way of limited playtime. A uniquely existential & at times emotional experience; frustrating and laborious by design. A metagame for people who love games and a rumination on human connection. Visually & sonically beautiful - very special game.

All layers of presentation are brilliant in this uber-dark (verging on edgy) souls-inspired metroidvania, but often I felt it leans too hard into its tone. Difficulty can be pretty cheap at times.

Incredible writing, unique approach to RPG elements with hilarious and dank, nihilist atmosphere. Truly an extraordinary game. Absolutely a must play.

I’m almost getting tired of saying “Supergiant does it again” but it’s true. They turn their incredible skill toward roguelikes here, while maintaining all their patented quality, and absolutely nail it.

John Woo/Wick with bananas. Fun and fluid mechanics with an unexpectedly engaging story.

Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.

Obviously gorgeous, and voice acting and music also great. World is large without being empty. Story is solid, if a little repetitive and drawn-out at times. So, so much to do. Remarkably polished.