Platform: PlayStation 4
A raw and delightful exploration game based around a character that has no animation, and whose locomotion is entirely physics-based. It’s a short, experimental game that deserves being checked out.
Lives up to its name, clocking in around an hour or two, but still quite dense. A minimalist and beautiful artstyle paints a charming little world full of cute characters and great writing.
Charming little couples co-op, physics based platformer. Can get a little repetitive and difficulty curve may be a bit steep for some partners.
Cute co-op platform puzzler. Movement is simple making it approachable for people who don’t play a lot of games. Lots of levels… and cute hats.
Great co-op game requiring concise communication. Cute aesthetic. Good for couples. Improves on almost everything in its predecessor and now includes online mode.
Great co-op game requiring concise communication. Cute aesthetic. Good for couples.
An extraordinary game that breaks most if not all conventions and will constantly surprise and challenge you. A seminal must-play. Best to go in blind.
I really liked Oxenfree and was pretty keen for this… and I did enjoy it, but a lot of the comedy didn’t land with me and at times the pacing was pretty drawn out. Would still recommend though.
Roguelite, deckbuilding, dice-rolling fun. Really clever design that surprisingly works a lot better than you’d think. Presentation belies its complexity at times.
Challenging, twitchy bossrush game with the combat elements you’d expect: slash, parry, dash, etc. Boss design is varied and tight, as are the controls. Aesthetics are pretty cool too.