tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 4

A visually spectacular and bloody journey through 13th Century Japan. Complimented by great characters, passable story and, more than anything, combat so satisfying you’ll ignore its standard openworld stuff.

Harrowing and emotionally challenging, a game has never left me feeling the way I did as I stared through tears at the credits of The Last of Us Part II. This is a masterpiece I love so much, but may never play again.

Full of confidence and style, this game knows what it wants to do, and for most, probably achieves it gloriously. Personally, while it had its moments, unless you’re partial to the anime tropes, pretty painful. I’ll likely try again at some point.

Another VR essential. Strikes a good balance between getting you moving around and not being annoying.

Stylish, frenetic, satisfying and addictive. Combat is like a puzzle; often requiring multiple runs through a room to find routes that enable effective & efficient rotation through pickups. Very fun.

Very exciting early access roguelike absolutely brimming with potential. Wish the movement was a bit more fluid, but is still very satisfying. Expectedly has a long way to go, but is one to watch.

Really creative mechanically, combining classic pinball with topdown bullethell ‘combat’. Visuals are great, is music too - but like the game itself can get a bit repetitive. Worth it for the concept.

FPS RPG with a beautiful setting and great environmental storytelling. Lacks in memorable characters a bit and at times narrative drive, but still a very strong game and likely an instant classic.

Addictive and exciting early access start to a new roguelike. Unique movement & approach to combat are at the heart of this one, which will likely continue to raise the skill ceiling as its develops.

It’s tempting to call this Papers, Please for TV broadcasting instead of immigration documents, but it would be unfair. Won’t be for everyone but is executed very well; enthralling, funny and clever.