Platform: PlayStation 4
Really cool game. Interesting roguelike with a great setting, characters and indeed artstyle. Definitely worth playing, just a shame the multiplayer is so… strange and clunky.
Was super excited to jump into this intriguing and excellently crafted Bladerunner-esque world, but soon felt a bit underwhelmed by the gameplay loop. Still a fun (and huge) world to explore.
Gorgeous and lovingly crafted. Some of the best-in-class gunplay. Tonnes of content now, even a little overwhelming. Needs work on the new/returning player experience, but fun if you can push through.
Undoubtedly gorgeous and definitely an… OK game, but very simplistic and predictable. Would have preferred more subversion of a story I feel like I’ve heard before.
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The expectedly unexpected and magical from Keita Takahashi again. Won’t be for everyone but I found it adorable, funny and just long enough to not outstay its welcome.
Stylised, super cool aesthetic and a cool setting/story. Movement feels (probably deliberately) a bit clunky to me, Suffers from the variation a roguelike desperately needs, and camera is a struggle.
A visually spectacular and bloody journey through 13th Century Japan. Complimented by great characters, passable story and, more than anything, combat so satisfying you’ll ignore its standard openworld stuff.
Harrowing and emotionally challenging, a game has never left me feeling the way I did as I stared through tears at the credits of The Last of Us Part II. This is a masterpiece I love so much, but may never play again.
Full of confidence and style, this game knows what it wants to do, and for most, probably achieves it gloriously. Personally, while it had its moments, unless you’re partial to the anime tropes, pretty painful. I’ll likely try again at some point.